
I go by Fellfallow online, and I'm a creature artist from Australia.
I've been painting digitally for about 11 years and 3D modelling for even longer.
I specialise in fantasy, and delight in bringing my clients' idea to life.My favourite style is realism - I love to pay special attention to anatomy to put a realistic spin on the characters I work on.You can contact me at
[email protected] for all enquiries.

Illustrations and concepts

Realistic Icons



Reference Sheets

3D Works

Commission Prices

Prices for personal commissions.I do not offer personal 3D commissions at present.
Currency converter can be found here
Please note: Every commission tier will be subject to a complexity fee if the character / idea warrants it.
This includes (but isn't limited to) complex markings, multiple characters, scenery or adornments.
For commercial pieces of either a 2D or 3D nature, please contact me and I will provide a quote. Don't forget to include your social media handle so I can list your commission on trello!

Wing-it sketch icons

110 AUD

Wing it sketch icons• Fixed size: 900 x 900 pixels
• No revisions or wips - done in one
• Very simple background• ETA: 1 week

Wing-it sketch headshots

165 AUD

• Wing-it sketch headshots - full size
• Fixed price for 2 characters
• Artistic freedom - loose idea accepted
• 3840 x 2160 px
• Either plain or very simple blurred background
• Wing-its - no wips / revisions
• ETA: 1 week

Realistic Icons

240 AUD+

• Realistic icon
• Fixed size: 900 x 900 pixels
• Blurred environmental background
• 1 WIP sent at sketch stage
• ETA: 3 weeks


500+ AUD

• Rougher than an illustration. Lineart may be visible in areas.
Done in one sitting, no wips are available. One minor revision is available (minor details, eg. amend eye colour / add small details).
• 3840 x 2160 px• ETA: 2 weeks


Headshots: 650 AUD+
Illustrations: 1295 AUD+

• Realistic and detailed pieces
• Full body shots come with painted background
• 3840 x 2160 px
Complex characters / scenes or ideas will increase the total price.
Estimated turnaround:
• Headshots: 6 weeks
• Illustrations: 12 weeks

• 1 sketch revision
• 2 minor revision rounds thereafter
• WIPs are provided throughout the process

Reference Sheets

• I don't have default prices for refsheets - the price is entirely dependent on the complexity of the character, markings, number of shots, trinkets etc.When emailing about a refsheet, please include:
• The style you'd like
• How many full body shots, head shots, other closeups, and any trinkets or jewellery
• Existing character reference or art
• All sheets are done at a minimum of 4000 x 2000 pixels
• Larger res can be organized for a fee
• Refsheets can be uploaded in their full resolution, when your sheet is finished.
• I can supply a smaller upload sized piece as well, just ask!
• Realistic reference sheets / realistic shots on hybrid sheets do not come with a flat colour version by default.
If you need a flat colour version, please note there will be an additional charge.

All reference sheet types:
• 1 sketch revision
• 2 minor revision rounds thereafter
• WIPs are provided throughout the process

Terms of Service

• By commissioning me, you're agreeing to abide by these terms of service and confirming that you are age 18 or over.• Please include your social media handle + reference when enquiring about a commission! :-)• This terms of service applies to personal 2D commissions and YCHs.
Commercial pieces will have conditions and prices which will be discussed via email.
• I am not currently offering personal 3D commissions.• Private commissions (commissions which cannot be uploaded online) will cost triple. I have limited availability for private commissions.

All enquiries must go through email.
Contact: [email protected]


• I accept payment through Stripe and Paypal.• Payment is to be made upfront for pieces under $500.
• Pieces of $500 and over may be paid in either two or three installments (50/50 or 40/30/30).
• I will invoice for the whole amount if no preference is given.• If paying via payment plan, final payment (when the piece is finished) is due within 7 days of the commission being finished.Please note - the subsequent invoices (eg invoice 2 / invoice 3) can be required at any time throughout the process once work has begun - sometimes pieces proceed much faster than the given deadline. Please let me know in advance if you require evenly spaced invoices!I will draw:
• Animals / creatures / anthros
• Natural backgrounds
• Reference sheets
• Simple clothing and jewellery
• Maximum of 3 main characters per image for realistic pieces (smaller / non-OC animals excluded). Pieces with 4+ chars are rarely accepted.
Experimental themes:
• Architectural / indoor
• Sci-fi
I won't draw:
• Humans, mecha or under-18 characters.
• Complex commissions will increase the cost.
Things like character design, illustrated backgrounds and other elements that affect the complexity will raise the price.

General info

You'll receive a fullres ('FINAL') flattened image, and a smaller version for public uploading ('UPLOAD'). I do not give out source files (files with the layers intact). Only the smaller 'UPLOAD' piece is for you to upload on your public galleries. You must credit me as the artist.• The 'FINAL' piece (fullres) is for your personal use.
Due to recent events, fullres pieces will now include a small watermark.
Other than refsheets, fullres or downsized versions of the fullres images are not to be uploaded.Refsheets can be uploaded full-res if desired.• You may not edit the piece, but you can crop it to use for icons etc, and add text to refsheets.• Shaded refsheets do not come with a flat colour version by default. An extra charge applies if this is required.• I retain all rights to the piece/s of art. This includes the right to display and make prints. Personal commissions are not for commercial use - eg to sell prints, as a banner for a website advertising goods or services for sale, or books. These are classed as commercial usage. This extends to NFTs - you may not sell my art as cryptoart or sell it as an NFT. You may not use any of my art or work in progress shots to base AI generated images off. I can refuse commissions that will not work either with my style or capability.
Your character will be interpreted in my style - bear in mind their colours will be influenced by environmental lighting and FX so will not be 1:1 with your refsheet.
Once the commission is completed and sent to you, you are responsible for backing it up / saving it.Joint Commissions:
• Where two or more people are commissioning a single piece, one person should be the point of contact.
I am working on good faith that all changes have been discussed with the other commissioners.
• You're welcome to utilise personal commissions for your own enjoyment eg as an icon, for personal non-commercial website banner, print it for your own use, etc.
However, you may not profit off, sell prints, or otherwise monetize my art.


Please do not send me walls of text / backstory / lore - just the relevant info in dot points!
• If I send a WIP and I don't hear back for 2 days, I will take that to mean that no edits need to be made and will continue with the commission.
• If the final version of the commission has been sent to the commissioner and no reply has been received after 2 days, the commission is considered complete and no changes will be made.
• If the client has uploaded it on their page, it is likewise considered complete.• I use Trello to track progress. I won't send out full res or non-watermarked WIPs.Communication:• I work Monday - Friday. I don't work on commissions or respond to emails over the weekend or public holidays.• If communication lapses, I will put the commission on hold until it resumes.• I will work on and send WIPs where applicable. For realistic refsheets and illustrations, this usually equates to an update every 1-3 weeks.


For all commissions:
• Major edits must be requested at the sketch stage. Major edits will not be made after sketch is approved.
• Revisions that need to be made due to the client failing to supply relevant info (eg refsheets or descriptive info) until after the commission has started will incur a fee relative to the amount of work needed to amend the commission to specifications.
• Extra minor revisions can be bought for $40 AUD per revision round outside of the free revisions - These are limited to 2 extra paid minor revisions per commission.
Image Resolution:
• Speedpaints, realistic pieces (including illustrations) and full size sketches will be done at the default minimum res of 3840 x 2160 pixels.
• Icons are done at 900 x 900 pixels.
• Eye banners are done at 2000 x 750 pixels.
• Refsheet default size is 4000 x 2000 pixels.
Sketches - all types:
• No revisions or WIPs - these are wing-it / artistic freedom pieces
• One minor revision upon completion (small details only).
• No wips provided prior to completion - these pieces are done in a single sitting.
Realistic Icons and Eye Banners:
• 1 sketch revision
• 1 minor revision round after completion (if required - eg tweak eye colour)
• Post-sketch WIPs are not provided for these tiers.
Illustrations and Reference sheets:
• 1 sketch revision
• 2 minor revision rounds thereafter
• WIPs are provided during the sketch and painting stages.
• Revision round = letting me know what changes need making in one email, so I can edit everything all at once.

Refunds and cancellations:

• Cancellations due to commissioner behaviour or poor communication will result in a refund equal to the amount of work not yet done.• If the commissioner cancels the commission prior to completion, but after work has been started, they will receive a refund equal to the unfinished portion of the piece. Eg if 30% of the work has been completed, they will receive a refund of 70%.• In the unlikely event I need to cancel the commission due to personal reasons (ie. reasons unrelated to the commissioner or their behaviour), I will refund the whole price, regardless of what amount of work has been completed.Fully finished pieces will not be refunded in any manner.End Note:
• I reserve the right to cancel a commission due to breach of terms of service, poor communication or inappropriate behavior.
I will not deal with anyone who has shown themselves to be rude or deceptive. If that's the case, and payment has already been made, I will refund the payment. I will also re-use / re-sell the sketch as I see fit (YCH, adopt, other art etc).

Prints + Socials

Here you can find my prints and social media handles